We install solar mini-grids and sell the energy for domestic and productive uses in rural India. We support these communities to build financially and environmentally sustainable businesses from the energy produced. The villages experience positive environmental, social and financial outcomes such as a reduction in CO2 emissions and increased household incomes. Women spend less time on domestic chores and children study longer under healthier lighting.
Mlinda is working in rural India to introduce environmentally sustainable and affordable mini-grids
The model provides households, agri-businesses and shops with reliable daytime and night-time metered energy
Mlinda exists to ensure people can live well – and continue to live well – on the planet even as population grows and economies develop.
for manufacturers
to produce well
to consume
and consumption
Wasteful production and consumption deplete the earth’s resources and cause harmful greenhouse gas emissions. They threaten everything we care about: well-being, security, culture, landscape and financial stability. By developing a blue-print for scalable and replicable rural solar electrification Mlinda aims to offer a model for economic growth which provides social and environmental benefits.
Our work is based on partnership and the free exchange of ideas. Find out how you can become a partner. We are happy to accept contributions, financial or otherwise, from those who see a way to further our work. Feel free to get in touch with us and please spread the word to your network.